Treatment Management

Responsive web platform design for medical case management


Ui Design

Project Year




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Overview Image


The “Asociación Chilena de Seguridad” by its acronym ACHS, is a not-for-profit organization associated with the health sector.

As a mutual society, they provide full coverage to millions of workers nationwide for work-related accidents. They also create and execute occupational safety and hygiene programs to promote the prevention of risks and accidents.

The main clinical headquarters is the "Hospital del trabajador", a health facility where the most trained professionals and the cutting-edge tools necessary to treat all injuries or illnesses related to the workplace are located.

In this office, complex cases that require qualified personnel and tools are treated and controlled. In order to manage the most critical cases that require prolonged care, a national committee made up of specialist doctors, nurses and medical care technicians was created to be able to evaluate their progress.

Role and responsibilities

As a UX Designer and User researcher, my priority was to understand the needs of the business and the way in which the evaluation committee made decisions on medical cases.

As a Ui designer, I had to analyze and understand the brand image and use the established design system to create a practical and easy-to-use interface.


The ACHS medical evaluation committee needed a platform that would allow professionals, from each of their profiles, to manage medical cases with special characteristics.

For this, it was necessary to display information about the clinical history of patients and other care data on the same screen.

Overview Image
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The problem

The medical evaluation committee is a group of health professionals appointed by the ACHS to evaluate and assign individual medical cases.

From this committee, the unanimous decision is made on the course of care and treatment of a patient, such as assigning medical appointments with specialized professionals, prolonging rest periods, granting medical discharges and other important actions.

The only condition for a patient to enter this program and be evaluated by the committee is that they have a treatment period greater than or equal to 30 days, which would imply that during this period they will not be able to carry out any work activity.

To make all these decisions, this group of professionals must meet daily and in a period of 4 hours, individually, evaluate more than 120 clinical cases from all regions of the country.

With the original procedure, each case evaluation lasted approximately between 20 and 35 minutes, which made it impossible to evaluate all the cases in one day.

In order to make an informed decision, professionals had to consult at least 3 different data sources from unfriendly and unreliable platforms (often the connection failed or it was difficult to extract the information).

The solution

In order to meet the needs of users, it was necessary to create a series of new components and functions adapted to each user profile, but that could be used crosswise in each of them.

The first challenge was to create a form of visualization that would allow cases to be grouped by evaluation status and that these would be adapted depending on the user profile.

In order to solve this, tabs were created with numbers that group the cases into "Delayed" (cases pending from previous days), "In follow-up" (regular cases that must be evaluated by the committee) and "New" (cases that enter to the platform for the first time."

In order to keep track of all the cases managed during the day, it was necessary to implement a series of dashboards with a visual summary.

In this way, the "Counters" drop-down section was created, with a summary in bar and donut graphs that allowed users to quickly visualize the number of cases managed and pending, who had interacted in the cases and the number of procedures they had managed to carry out in a day.

In order to be able to visualize the requests of other users, a section of notifications allows each request to be listed on cards, detailing who made it, the priority level and patient details. In addition to this, a functionality was added that allows quick access to the particular case, to take quick action on it.

The Ui

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No items found.

The takeaway

As a UX Designer and User researcher, my priority was to understand the needs of the business and the way in which the evaluation committee made decisions on medical cases.

As a Ui designer, I had to analyze and understand the brand image and use the established design system to create a practical and easy-to-use interface.

Live Prototype

Here is a short sample of this project in a live prototype preview
(some functions are not available due to client restrictions)

Overview Image


The “Asociación Chilena de Seguridad” by its acronym ACHS, is a not-for-profit organization associated with the health sector.

As a mutual society, they provide full coverage to millions of workers nationwide for work-related accidents. They also create and execute occupational safety and hygiene programs to promote the prevention of risks and accidents.

The main clinical headquarters is the "Hospital del trabajador", a health facility where the most trained professionals and the cutting-edge tools necessary to treat all injuries or illnesses related to the workplace are located.

In this office, complex cases that require qualified personnel and tools are treated and controlled. In order to manage the most critical cases that require prolonged care, a national committee made up of specialist doctors, nurses and medical care technicians was created to be able to evaluate their progress.

Understand Icon


Understand Icon


Understand Icon


Role and responsibilities

As a UX Designer and User researcher, my priority was to understand the needs of the business and the way in which the evaluation committee made decisions on medical cases.

As a Ui designer, I had to analyze and understand the brand image and use the established design system to create a practical and easy-to-use interface.

Understand Icon


Define Icon


Ideate Icon



The ACHS medical evaluation committee needed a platform that would allow professionals, from each of their profiles, to manage medical cases with special characteristics.

For this, it was necessary to display information about the clinical history of patients and other care data on the same screen.

Overview Image
Understand Icon


Define Icon


Ideate Icon


No items found.

The problem

The medical evaluation committee is a group of health professionals appointed by the ACHS to evaluate and assign individual medical cases.

From this committee, the unanimous decision is made on the course of care and treatment of a patient, such as assigning medical appointments with specialized professionals, prolonging rest periods, granting medical discharges and other important actions.

The only condition for a patient to enter this program and be evaluated by the committee is that they have a treatment period greater than or equal to 30 days, which would imply that during this period they will not be able to carry out any work activity.

To make all these decisions, this group of professionals must meet daily and in a period of 4 hours, individually, evaluate more than 120 clinical cases from all regions of the country.

With the original procedure, each case evaluation lasted approximately between 20 and 35 minutes, which made it impossible to evaluate all the cases in one day.

In order to make an informed decision, professionals had to consult at least 3 different data sources from unfriendly and unreliable platforms (often the connection failed or it was difficult to extract the information).

Problem Statement

Macarena is a Head Nurse, part of the patient evaluation committee, who needs to review medical cases in an estimated time of less than 4 hours, because she must be able to evaluate patients and allocate the resources they need.

Understand Icon


Define Icon


Ideate Icon


The solution

In order to meet the needs of users, it was necessary to create a series of new components and functions adapted to each user profile, but that could be used crosswise in each of them.

The first challenge was to create a form of visualization that would allow cases to be grouped by evaluation status and that these would be adapted depending on the user profile.

In order to solve this, tabs were created with numbers that group the cases into "Delayed" (cases pending from previous days), "In follow-up" (regular cases that must be evaluated by the committee) and "New" (cases that enter to the platform for the first time."

In order to keep track of all the cases managed during the day, it was necessary to implement a series of dashboards with a visual summary.

In this way, the "Counters" drop-down section was created, with a summary in bar and donut graphs that allowed users to quickly visualize the number of cases managed and pending, who had interacted in the cases and the number of procedures they had managed to carry out in a day.

In order to be able to visualize the requests of other users, a section of notifications allows each request to be listed on cards, detailing who made it, the priority level and patient details. In addition to this, a functionality was added that allows quick access to the particular case, to take quick action on it.

The Ui

Click on the images to expand

No items found.

Live Prototype

Here is a short sample of this project in a live prototype preview
(some functions are not available due to client restrictions)

The takeaway

As a UX Designer and User researcher, my priority was to understand the needs of the business and the way in which the evaluation committee made decisions on medical cases.

As a Ui designer, I had to analyze and understand the brand image and use the established design system to create a practical and easy-to-use interface.

Overview Image


The “Asociación Chilena de Seguridad” by its acronym ACHS, is a not-for-profit organization associated with the health sector.

As a mutual society, they provide full coverage to millions of workers nationwide for work-related accidents. They also create and execute occupational safety and hygiene programs to promote the prevention of risks and accidents.

The main clinical headquarters is the "Hospital del trabajador", a health facility where the most trained professionals and the cutting-edge tools necessary to treat all injuries or illnesses related to the workplace are located.

In this office, complex cases that require qualified personnel and tools are treated and controlled. In order to manage the most critical cases that require prolonged care, a national committee made up of specialist doctors, nurses and medical care technicians was created to be able to evaluate their progress.

Role and responsibilities

As a UX Designer and User researcher, my priority was to understand the needs of the business and the way in which the evaluation committee made decisions on medical cases.

As a Ui designer, I had to analyze and understand the brand image and use the established design system to create a practical and easy-to-use interface.


The ACHS medical evaluation committee needed a platform that would allow professionals, from each of their profiles, to manage medical cases with special characteristics.

For this, it was necessary to display information about the clinical history of patients and other care data on the same screen.

Overview Image
No items found.

The problem

The medical evaluation committee is a group of health professionals appointed by the ACHS to evaluate and assign individual medical cases.

From this committee, the unanimous decision is made on the course of care and treatment of a patient, such as assigning medical appointments with specialized professionals, prolonging rest periods, granting medical discharges and other important actions.

The only condition for a patient to enter this program and be evaluated by the committee is that they have a treatment period greater than or equal to 30 days, which would imply that during this period they will not be able to carry out any work activity.

To make all these decisions, this group of professionals must meet daily and in a period of 4 hours, individually, evaluate more than 120 clinical cases from all regions of the country.

With the original procedure, each case evaluation lasted approximately between 20 and 35 minutes, which made it impossible to evaluate all the cases in one day.

In order to make an informed decision, professionals had to consult at least 3 different data sources from unfriendly and unreliable platforms (often the connection failed or it was difficult to extract the information).

Problem Statement

Macarena is a Head Nurse, part of the patient evaluation committee, who needs to review medical cases in an estimated time of less than 4 hours, because she must be able to evaluate patients and allocate the resources they need.

The solution

In order to meet the needs of users, it was necessary to create a series of new components and functions adapted to each user profile, but that could be used crosswise in each of them.

The first challenge was to create a form of visualization that would allow cases to be grouped by evaluation status and that these would be adapted depending on the user profile.

In order to solve this, tabs were created with numbers that group the cases into "Delayed" (cases pending from previous days), "In follow-up" (regular cases that must be evaluated by the committee) and "New" (cases that enter to the platform for the first time."

In order to keep track of all the cases managed during the day, it was necessary to implement a series of dashboards with a visual summary.

In this way, the "Counters" drop-down section was created, with a summary in bar and donut graphs that allowed users to quickly visualize the number of cases managed and pending, who had interacted in the cases and the number of procedures they had managed to carry out in a day.

In order to be able to visualize the requests of other users, a section of notifications allows each request to be listed on cards, detailing who made it, the priority level and patient details. In addition to this, a functionality was added that allows quick access to the particular case, to take quick action on it.

The Ui

Click on the images to expand

No items found.

The takeaway

As a UX Designer and User researcher, my priority was to understand the needs of the business and the way in which the evaluation committee made decisions on medical cases.

As a Ui designer, I had to analyze and understand the brand image and use the established design system to create a practical and easy-to-use interface.

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